「宗教と社会」学会 入会申込書オンライン On-Line Membership Enrollment Form
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When you agree with the Japanese Association for the Study of Religion and Society Bylaws, you can apply for admission.

Read JASRS Bylaws

Please write down a required matter in the following registration form, click a "preview" button, and move on to the following procedure. In an application on line, there is not necessarily a danger that information will be read by the third person.
Although the most attention is paid about the handling of personal information, it is in case of an emergency accident etc, we cannot take responsibility. Please understand it. Thank you.

宛先【 「宗教と社会」学会事務局


差出人名 漢字(ヨミガナ)Name(必須)required

差出人メールアドレス E-mail(必須)required


連絡先の別 Contact Address(必須)required

住所 Details of Contact Address(必須)required

電話番号 Phone Number(必須)required

学会名簿での情報の公開 Public Presentation by Our Society List of Names(必須)required

生年月日 Birth of Date, Month, Year(必須)required

最終学歴 Education and Highest Degree Completed(必須)required

現在の所属機関、地位・役職 Name of Institution, Status(必須)required

現在の専攻・研究分野 Areas of Study(必須)required

研究業績 Publications (title, publisher, year)

推薦会員(2名) Name of reference(two members)(必須)required

会員の種別 Category of Membership (必須)required

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