
1. Objectives

JASRS's objectives shall be to promote the scholarly study of the relationship between religion and society & culture and to facilitate interdisciplinary cooperation among scholars through activities such as:

(1) holding an annual meeting for the purpose of promoting substantial discussion among scholars.
(2) sponsoring projects, if necessary.
(3) publishing papers.
(4) facilitating cooperation, communication and exchange of information among scholars at home and abroad.

2. Membership

There shall be two categories: Full Member and Associate Member.

(1) Full Members
Full members shall be those scholars who are interested in the relationship between religion and society & culture.
Qualified applicants may be admitted as Full Members after their applications are reviewed by the JASRS Board of Directors.
Full Members can participate in the annual meeting, the general meeting, and projects, and also make proposals for projects.

(2) Associate Members
Those individuals who are interested in the activities of JASRS may be admitted as Associate Members after their applications are reviewed by the JASRS Board of Directors.
Associate members can sit in on the annual meeting and participate in or sit in on some of the projects.

(3) Dues
Both Full Members and Associate Members must pay annual dues.

3. Officers

The Officers of JASRS shall be a President, about ten Directors and two Auditors. The President shall represent JASRS and serve as the chair of the Board of Directors. The Directors shall be responsible for accounting, the annual meeting and projects sponsored by the Association. Auditors shall audit the accounting of the Association.

(1) President
Term of Office:
The President's term of office shall be two years and the President shall not be re-elected.
The President shall be elected by and among the Directors and shall be approved at the general meeting.

(2) Directors
Term of Office:
The Directors' term of office shall be two years and the Directors may be re-elected. However, successive reelections shall be limited to two terms.
The Directors shall be elected by the Full Members. Elected Directors may recruit a number of Directors through the approval of the general meeting.
The rule governing elections shall be set separately.

(3) Auditors
Term of Office:
The Auditors' terms of office shall be two years and the Auditors shall not be re-elected.
The Auditors shall be elected by and among the Full Members at the general meeting.

4. General Meeting

Decisions on activities and management of the Association shall be made at the general meeting.

The Regular General Meeting:
A regular general meeting shall be held annually. At the meeting, reports of the activities and the financial report of the previous fiscal year, plans for activities and a budget for the next year, and the election of officers are reviewed.

The Special General Meeting:
A special general meeting shall be called upon the request of the majority of the Board of Directors.

5. Management

Fiscal Year:
The fiscal year of JASRS shall start on April 1 and end on March 31.

Secretariat General:
The secretariat general is formed for the purpose of the management of the Association.

6. Amendment of Bylaws

Amendments to these Bylaws must have a two-thirds majority of those voting at the general meeting.

Additional Rule

These Bylaws shall go into effect on June 26, 1993.
Amended on June 18, 1994.

internal regulations

Rule on Admission of Full Members

Those who want to join JASRS can be Full Members according to the Bylaws of JASRS. As regards the qualification of a Full Member, applicants shall be regarded as 'scholars' according to the following guidelines:

(1) Those who have published papers related to the objectives of the Association and are engaged in academic pursuit.
(2) Graduate students of domains related to the objectives of the Association.

Applicants shall submit an application form that includes items from which their qualification can be judged.

JASRS Regulations of Election of Board of Directors

1. The number of Directors shall not exceed fifteen.

2. (1) Ten of Directors shall be elected through the direct vote of Full Members. Elected Directors may recruit more Directors through the approval of the general meeting.
(2) If more than two members obtain the same number of votes, the choice shall be made by drawing lots at the Election Control Committee.
(3) If the vacancy of a Director elected by direct voting occurs before the first general meeting after the election, the vacancy shall be filled by recruiting the candidate who obtained the next largest number of votes after the elected Directors.

3. Only Full Members who have paid annual dues up to the previous year shall have the right to vote and to be eligible for election.

4. Voting shall be done by mailing, in the specified voting form, in which names not exceeding five shall be entered.

5. (1) Elections shall be conducted under the control of the Election Control Committee. The Election Control Committee, consisting of five members including one Director, shall be commissioned by the Board of Directors.
(2) The chairperson of Election Control Committee shall be elected by members of the Committee and among the members who are not Directors.